End-to-End Project Lifecycle Management
Avoid using misaligned approaches and technologies that usually come with having large or disparate teams. Whether we manage your project end-to-end or simply as a team extension for specific steps, we have experts ready to help drive your data to actionable decisions.
Technology Evaluation
With buzzword “big data” floating around in the air, alternative data processing technologies emerged from the niche to top-notch tools. Validate your solution feasibility with us early to make sure that you meet your project requirements. It's about shaping your own growth.

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Workshop - Requirements
Let’s discuss your technology considerations and decide on the best match of the technology spectrum with selected on-premise or cloud platforms.
Deliverables: Summary Report
Duration: 2 days
Service - Framework & Toolchain Tailoring
You may wish something was different in current solution framework. Be it an extra feature, toolchain or custom plug-ins creation. We can make modifications to optimize open ecosystem or develop glue codes to coordinate proprietary system and adapt them to your business.
Training - Beginner to Advanced
Workshops involving tailored training and practical sessions will be arranged on your own site to make the best use of your time. At any stage.
Duration: 2 to 5 days
Proof of Concept
Let's validate your ideas early on to test the feasibility and benchmark against your decision support requirements. We have the know-how to implement your use case on your target platform in no time.
Service - Proof of Concept
Let us do the whole PoC for you or simply seek our advice. We eliminate risks early by helping you to rethink any substandard approach.
Deliverables: PoC on your target platform
Duration: Typically 2 to 4 weeks
Workshop - Technical
Learn how to leverage existing systems and take the approach that works best for your project. Invest your time wisely, save time later.
Deliverables: Hands-on advice about bespoken technology usage
Duration: 1 to 2 days
Workshop - Migration
Working with a legacy reporting system or want to port to the PaaS framework? We have wide experience in helping you get up and running cost efficiently.
Deliverables: Evaluation, Recommendations and proposed actions
Duration: Typically 2 days
Design & Implementation
Get your analytics architecture right from the start so that you ensure a solid foundation for your solution. Make it performant, scalable and future-proof. Establish the right approach and you will quickly have a modern dashboard.
Workshop - Solution Architecture
We will either design the solution architecture with your team or review your design to meet your goals for performance and functionality.
Deliverables: High-level architecture/report
Duration: 1 to 2 days on site workshop
Service - Dashboard Design
Our UI specialists will share in-depth knowledge of the latest trends in support of your solution UX development. From a concept to the finished interface.
Service – Implementation
Our experience stretches beyond analytics to cover a wide variety of tools, methods, and standards. This means we can implement an entire solution for you.
Looking for a way to optimize your solution to meet product requirements and market demands? We can help you launch a first class product on time.
Service – Optimization
Our performance specialists will analyze and optimize your solution, resolving performance issues with any supported environments.
Service – Extended Lifetime Support
A working analytic methodology may be deployed for decades. Let us know if you need extended lifetime support for any deployment.